Kingthings Lupine Pro Print this pagePrint this page
Kingthings Lupine Pro
Price: $10.00

Designer: Kevin King

Format: TrueType; OpenType

370 glyphs!
(92 in original)

492 class kernpairs
= 9382 kerning pairs
(5 in original)

I loved this monster font the second I saw it - it reminded me of Franquins "Idées Noires"... Reworking it and adding the missing glyphs and diacritics was quite time-consuming - but a lot of fun! Lots of details. Enjoy!
Kevin King says: "Did I say I can if I want to? Well I made this for a character in a Terry Pratchett Book - Reaper Man - He's called Lupine and is getting very fond of a girl called Ludmilla - Her mother is Mrs Cake... Don't ask about Mrs Cake. To help you not to ask about Mrs Cake, The clergy holds that speaking to the dead is blasphemy and abomination - Mrs Cake holds that it's only common courtesy. I digress - sorry. He's a werewolf, It's a hairy font. Do not call it Kingthings Pube."


Kingthings Lupine Pro Promo Picture
Kingthings Lupine Pro Promo PictureKingthings Lupine Pro Promo Picture